Snabb’s architecture is safeguarded by an extensive suite of global patents, underscoring its pioneering advancements in computational methodologies

Date Patent Number Patent Title
03/05/2024 US 11,921,614 B2 Expanded and broadened claims of previous patent: US 11,630,757 B1 - “System and method for developing, testing and debugging software for microcontrollers.”
04/18/2023 US 11,630,757 B1 System and method for developing, testing and debugging software for microcontrollers.
08/06/2013 US 8,504,800 B2 Self-similar processing network for parallel operations.
01/11/2011 US 7,870,113 B2 System and method for organizing data, where the numerically converted raw data is organized to provide a structure to traverse data for extracting relevant information.
03/13/2010 US 7,698,283 B2 System and method for organizing data, where the numerically converted raw data is partitioned into vector fields to allow mathematical operations to analyze the data.
11/08/2008 ISRAEL 147736 System and method for organizing data.
12/11/2007 CANADA 2,379,817 Method and system for organizing data by numerically traversing clustered vectors.
05/03/2007 INDIA 206603 Method and system for organizing data in a database system.
01/20/2006 RUSSIA 2268488 A method for converting information from a raw database into a numerically distilled vectorial database.
10/12/2005 KOREA 522557 Method and system for organizing data.
10/05/2005 CHINA ZL00812084.6 Method and system for organizing data.
09/13/2005 US 6,944,619 B2 Method and system for organizing, retrieving and replicating data in a format that is representative of naturally occurring relationships associated with the data elements.
05/19/2005 AUSTRALIA 779269 Method for converting information from a raw database into a numeric database, with a radix at least as great as the number of possible values for a data element in the raw data field.
06/15/2004 US 6,751,610 B2 System and method for organizing data where the raw data is converted into an appropriate number system and format that facilitates the use of efficient mathematical operations.
04/01/2003 US 6,542,896 B1 System and method for organizing data that reads found data records from raw data sources.
10/31/2002 WO 02/086762 A1 A method for retrieving information from a database by traversing a hierarchy of a plurality of descendants.
09/24/2002 US 6,457,006 B1 System and method for organizing data with improved mechanism for identifying duplicate data between fields.
07/23/2002 US 6,424,969 B1 System and method for organizing data where a number system is selected so that the numerical data retains semantic significance with respect to the raw data.
06/12/1973 US 3,739,113 A Reversible Programmer for Electric Circuits.
10/24/1972 US 3,700,973 A Relay Counting Circuit.